If, for more than 30 years, industrial players and investors have needed reinforced concrete building structures, ASA was the one of the first suppliers to contact. Why? Simply because our brand stands for reliable, efficient, quality and flexible construction. Already since its foundation, the technical team at the heart of ASA Construction Ltd. has convinced customers that through engineering expertise, creative solutions and controlled manufacturing conditions we can provide top-notch options that best meet their goals. And we have been following this approach ever since, because for us the most important thing, beyond creating a safe and friendly work environment, is the successful and cost-efficient completion of our customers’ ideas.
How we do this:
- Our contractor team carries out an in-depth analysis of the tendered establishment and develops optimisation proposals as early as the tender preparation stage.
- This requires a high level of know-how and efficiency from our in-house design team. Only such a team can guarantee that, despite the long-drawn-out design coordination trends, properly executed shop-drawings are available in lie with the production schedule.
- The next location of the journey on the way to a state-of- the- art precast structure is our plant in Hódmezővásárhely, where, depending on the complexity of the projects, we can produce 35-40,000 m3 of concrete structures per year.
- At the end of a very thorough and rigorous quality control process, reinforced concrete structural elements (foundation cups, plinth elements, walls, columns, beams, stair and slab elements, etc.) are delivered to the construction sites of the projects with the assistance of our transportation partners.
- Once on site, our experienced assmebly teams transform with great care, routine and precision the ideas from the drawing board into offen spectacular building skeletons.
- Environmental protection
For offers please contact us!
We are here to further support our customers' dreams:
We offer high quality Industrial floors for Industrial facilities
Akár már a koncepció kidolgozásnál tud segíteni a generálkivitelező csapatunk, akik a kulcsrakész állapotig tudják a megvalósulást kísérni.
Minden tevékenységünk alfája a munkavédelem, omegája pedig a környezetünk védelme, az öko-lábynomunk csökkentése és ügyfeleink igényeinek maximális kiszolgálása.